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Sample PBS script for parallel OPENMPI job

To know all the options, please see the man page of qsub. For most applications, you would not need all the options given in this page. This is only a sample script. You should only need to change items indicated in red. Items shown in green may also warrant your attention.


#                                                             #
#    Bourne shell script for submitting a parallel MVAPICH2   #
#    job to the PBS queue using the qsub command.             #
#                                                             #

#     Remarks: A line beginning with # is a comment;
#	       A line beginning with #PBS is a PBS directive;
#              Assume (upper/lower) case to be sensitive;
#              PBS directives must come first; any directives
#              after the first executable statement are ignored.
#     Use:     submit job with command
#              qsub pbs_mvapich2.pbs
#                        #
#   The PBS directives   #
#                        #

#          Set the name of the job (up to 15 characters, 
#          no blank spaces, start with alphanumeric character)
#          Default is name of pbs script file

#PBS -N JobName

#          Specify the number of nodes requested and the
#          number of processors per node.
#          For tdgrocks and hpcsim, the number of processors per node=2
#          For sciblade, the number of processors per node=8 
#	   In this example request of 8 compute nodes, with 2 processors on each.

#PBS -l nodes=8:ppn=2

#          By default, the standard output and error streams are sent
#          to files in the current working directory with names:
#              JobName.oJobid  <-  output stream
#              JobName.eJobid  <-  error stream
#          where JobName is the name of the job and Jobid 
#          is the job number assigned when the job is submitted.
#          Use the directives below to change the files to which the
#          standard output and error streams are sent.

#    #PBS -o stdout_file
#    #PBS -e stderr_file

#          The directive below directs that the standard output and
#          error streams are to be merged, intermixed, as standard
#          output. Otherwise you get them in separate files.

#PBS -j oe

#          Specify the maximum cpu and wall clock time. The wall
#          clock time should take possible queue waiting time into
#          account.  Format:   hhhh:mm:ss   hours:minutes:seconds
#          Be sure to specify a reasonable value here.
#          If the job does not finish by the time reached,
#          the job is terminated.

#PBS -l     cput=6:00:00
#PBS -l walltime=6:00:00

#          Specify the queue name. Jobs submitted to these queues
#          will run in cpu-dedicated mode; if all cpu's assigned to the
#          queue are occupied with a job, then new jobs are queued and will
#          not run until a cpu is freed up.  You should take this waiting
#          time into account when setting "walltime". 
#          The default queue "default" , need not be specified.

#PBS -q long

#          Specify the maximum amount of physical memory required per process.
#          kb for kilobytes, mb for megabytes, gb for gigabytes.
#          Take some care in setting this value.  Setting it too large
#          can result in your job waiting in the queue for sufficient
#          resources to become available.

#PBS -l pmem=512mb

#          PBS can send informative email messages to you about the
#          status of your job.  Specify a string which consists of
#          either the single character "n" (no mail), or one or more
#          of the characters "a" (send mail when job is aborted),
#          "b" (send mail when job begins), and "e" (send mail when
#          job terminates).  The default is "a" if not specified.
#          You should also specify the email address to which the
#          message should be send via the -M option.

#  e.g. send me mail when job aborts (with an error) or job end
#  #PBS -m ae

#  if you want more than one message, you can group flags as follows:
#  #PBS -m abe

#PBS -M user_email_address

#          Declare the time after which the job is eligible for execution.
#          If you wish the job to be immediately eligible for execution,
#          comment out this directive.  If you wish to run at some time in 
#          future, the date-time argument format is
#                      [MMDD]hhmm
#          If the day DD is not specified, it will default to today if the
#          time hhmm is in the future, otherwise, it defaults to tomorrow.
#          If the day DD is specified as in the future, it defaults to the
#          current month, otherwise, it defaults to next month.
#	   e.g July 11, 22:15

# #PBS -a 07112215  commented out

#          Do not rerun this job if it fails

#PBS -r n

#                                        #
#   PBS Environment Variables		 #
#                                        #

#   When a batch job starts execution, a number of environment variables 
#   predefined, which include:
#   The following reflect the environment where the user ran qsub:
#   PBS_O_HOST       The host where you ran the qsub command.
#   PBS_O_LOGNAME    Your user ID where you ran qsub.
#   PBS_O_HOME       Your home directory where you ran qsub.
#   PBS_O_WORKDIR    The working directory where you ran qsub.
#   These reflect the environment where the job is executing:
#   PBS_ENVIRONMENT  Set to PBS_BATCH to indicate the job is a batch job, or
#                    to PBS_INTERACTIVE to indicate the job is a PBS interactive job.
#   PBS_O_QUEUE      The original queue you submitted to.
#   PBS_QUEUE        The queue the job is executing from.
#   PBS_JOBID        The job's PBS identifier.
#   PBS_JOBNAME      The job's name.

#                                        #
#   Output some useful job information.  #
#                                        #

NNODES=`uniq $PBS_NODEFILE | wc -l`

echo ------------------------------------------------------
echo ' This job is allocated on '${NCPU}' cpu(s)'
echo 'Job is running on node(s): '
echo ------------------------------------------------------
echo PBS: qsub is running on $PBS_O_HOST
echo PBS: originating queue is $PBS_O_QUEUE
echo PBS: executing queue is $PBS_QUEUE
echo PBS: working directory is $PBS_O_WORKDIR
echo PBS: execution mode is $PBS_ENVIRONMENT
echo PBS: job identifier is $PBS_JOBID
echo PBS: job name is $PBS_JOBNAME
echo PBS: node file is $PBS_NODEFILE
echo PBS: number of nodes is $NNODES
echo PBS: current home directory is $PBS_O_HOME
echo ------------------------------------------------------


#                                                         #
#    Execute the run.  Do not run in the background.      #
#                                                         #

${MPIPATH}/mpirun program_executable input_file

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