#!/bin/sh ### Job name #PBS -N cpi ### Declare job non-rerunable #PBS -r n ### Output files ###PBS -e test.err ###PBS -o test.log ### Mail to user ##PBS -m ae ### Queue name (small, medium, long, verylong) ### Number of nodes (node property ev67 wanted) ##PBS -l nodes=8:ev67 #PBS -l nodes=10 #PBS -l walltime=08:00:00 # This job's working directory echo Working directory is $PBS_O_WORKDIR cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR echo Running on host `hostname` echo Time is `date` echo Directory is `pwd` echo This jobs runs on the following processors: echo `cat $PBS_NODEFILE` # Define number of processors NPROCS=`wc -l < $PBS_NODEFILE` echo This job has allocated $NPROCS nodes # Run the parallel MPI executable "a.out" /u1/local/mpich-1.2.5/bin/mpirun -v -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np $NPROCS /u1/local/share/pbsexamples/cpi #/usr/share/mpi/bin/mpirun -v -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np $NPROCS /usr/local/mpich/examples/cpi