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Past Activities

  1. As continuous adoption of linux in HPCCC PC cluster and the Scientific Computing Laboratory in Science Faculty, the Faculty was awarded Merit in the Linux Business Adoption Award 2003 in November 4. Mr. Morris Law, the IT coordinator, represent the Faculty to present and received the award in Hong Kong Conference and Exhibition Centre.

  2. Mr. Morris Law was invited as a speaker of the Hong Kong Linux User Group. He talked about "Linux Clustering" on 15/11/2003 in City University of Hong Kong. About 130 linux users in Business, Industry and Academic field has joined the talk and show interests in building their own linux cluster.

  3. The Hong Kong Institute of High Performance Computing Working Committee is now working on the Hong Kong Supercomputing Directory. Our centre was invited to submit the benchmark of our PC cluster.

  4. Mr Morris Law was invited to a focus group meeting on survey on "Open Source Application in Hong Kong" sponsored by HKSAR Government Communications on Technology Branch (CITB), ITSD and HKPC on 27/11/2003.

  5. On behalf of the Science Faculty, Mr Morris Law will also present in the sharing seminar on Linux Business Adoption Award (Education Application) on 2/12/2003 in HKPC.

  6. Our centre was invited by Intel to exhibit in the cluster 2003 conference held in December 1-4.

  7. With joint effort with Joint Research Institute of Applied Mathematics, Professor Thomas F. Coleman, the director of Cornell Theory Centre will be invited to present "Computational Optimization Problems in Practical Finance" on December 4, 2003 as part of the Distinguished Applied Mathematics Lecture Series.
  8. Our HPCCC has organised a cluster computing short course on June 20 - June 22. Details can be found in
  9. The High performance cluster computing short course 2006 was cancelled due to unavailability of instructors.

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