Science Faculty Computer Room OEE501
(Tel: 3411 2540, 3411 2541; email:
Science Faculty Computer Room OEE501
- Computer room OEE501 is for staff members and students of Science
Faculty only.
- Staff members or students of Science Faculty can access the room
OEE501 provided that they have a valid HKBU ID card.
- Users can access to the PCs provided they have an SSOid which is managed by ITO.
- All users must obey the regulations for OEE501, which is posted on
the main door and the notice board of this room.
- Most updated information and announcement will be posted on the notice
board and on the Web page of this room.
Opening Hour:
9:00am - 10:30pm
Technical Support:
Mon to Fri :
9:00am - 5:30pm
Last updated on Sept 3, 2021