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Chapter 10: Structures, Unions and Bit Manipulations

* structure are collections of related variables under one name.
* structure may contain variables of many different data types - in
contrast to arrays that
contain only elements of the same data type.
* similar to record to be stored in files.
* pointers and structures facilitate the formation of more complex
structures such as linked lists, queues, stacks, and trees.

* e.g.
struct card
char *face;
char *suit;
* "struct" - structure definition
* "card" - structure tag, not structure type
* the structure type is "struct card"
* "face" and "suit" - structure members: can be variable of basic data
types, arrays, pointers and other structures
* ";" is important to end the definition of structure
* a structure cannot contain an instance of itself, but a pointer can
be included
* structure variables:
struct card a, deck[52], *cPtr;
* or incorporated into the "struct card":
struct card
char *face;
char *suit;
} a, desk[52], *cPtr;

Initializing Structures
* using initializer lists as with arrays
* e.g.
struct card a = {"Three", "Hearts"};
* member "face" to "Three", member "suit" to "Hearts"

Accessing Members
* structure member operator: "." - access via structure variable name
* e.g.
printf("%s", a.suit);
* structure pointer operator: "->" - access via structure pointer
* e.g.
printf("%s", cPtr->suit);
* equivalent to
printf("%s", (*cPtr).suit);
* e.g.
#include <stdio.h>

struct card
char *face;
char *suit;

struct card a;
struct card *aPtr;

a.face = "Ace";
a.suit = "Spades";
aPtr = &a;
a.face, " of ", a.suit,
aPtr->face, " of ", aPtr->suit,
(*aPtr).face, " of ", (*aPtr).suit);

* creating alias for defined data type
* e.g.
typedef struct card Card;
* "Card" is alias for type "struct card", so it is structure type, not
* e.g.
typedef struct
char *face;
char *suit;
} Card;
* structure variable:
Card a, deck[52], *cPtr;
* e.g.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

struct card
char *face;
char *suit;

typedef struct card Card;

void fillDeck(Card *, char *[], char *[]);
void shuffle(Card *);
void deal(Card *);

Card deck[52];
char *face[] = {"A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
"10", "J", "Q", "K"};
char *suit[] = {"Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Spades"};


fillDeck(deck, face, suit);

void fillDeck(Card *wDeck, char *wFace[], char *wSuit[])
int i;

for (i=0;i<52;i++)
wDeck[i].face = wFace[i%13];
wDeck[i].suit = wSuit[i/13];

void shuffle(Card *wDeck)
int i,j;
Card temp;

for (i=0;i<52;i++)
j = rand() % 52;
temp = wDeck[i];
wDeck[i] = wDeck[j];
wDeck[j] = temp;

void deal(Card *wDeck)
int i;

for (i=0;i<52;i++)
printf("%5s of %-8s%c", wDeck[i].face, wDeck[i].suit,

* members share the same storage space
* for different situations in a program, some variables may not be
relevant, but other are
* a union shares the space instead of wasting storage on variables
that are not being used
* members can be of any type
* the number of bytes used to store a union must be at least enough to
hold the largest member
* only one member can be referenced at a time
* e.g.
union number
int x;
float y;

Initializing Union
* only with a value of the first union member
* e.g.
union number value = {10};

Accessing Members
* same as structure
* e.g.
union number value;

value.x = 100;
printf("%d", value.x);

value.y = 100.0;
printf("%f", value.y);

Bitwise Operators
* bit is the basic representation in computer
* can be either "0" or "1"
* "unsigned" are normally used

* left shift (<<)
int y,x = 20; /* 20(10) = 00010100(2) */
y = x << 3; /* 160(10) = 10100000(2) */
* left shift can be used a "quick" multiplication of 2^n

* right shift (>>)
int y,x = 20; /* 20(10) = 00010100(2) */
y = x >> 3; /* 2(10) = 00000010(2) */
* right shift can be used a "quick" (integer) division of 2^n

* bitwise AND (&)
Operands Result
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
* AND can be used as mask: to hide some bits in a value while
selecting other bits
* e.g.
#include <stdio.h>
void displayBits(unsigned value);

unsigned x;

printf("Enter an unsigned integer: ");
scanf("%u", &x);

void displayBits(unsigned value)
unsigned c, displayMask = 1 << 15;

printf("%7u = ", value);
for (c=1;c<=16;c++)
putchar(value & displayMask ? '1' : '0');
value <<= 1;
if (c%8 == 0)
putchar(' ');


* bitwise OR (|)
Operands Result
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
* OR can be used to set specific bits to 1 in an operand

* NOT or complement(~)
Operands Result
0 1
1 0
* NOT can be used as taking the one's complement of the operand

* bitwise Exclusive OR (^)
Operands Result
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
* exclusive OR can be used as a encode and decode process since for
any bit-stream T,
T ^ K ^ K = T, where K is the key
* so E = T ^ K can be considered as the encoded bit-stream of T by key
* the decoder can recover the origin bit-stream T by
E ^ K = T
* this is basically the same process of encoder
void encoder(char T[], char K[], char E[])
int i;

for (i=0;i<2;i++)
E[i] = T[i] ^ K[i];
* however, the encoded bit-stream, E, may not be represented by ASCII
* we can remedy the situation by padding zero in the beginning of each
of four bits and add 33 (the first character code of ASCII)
* e.g.
void padding(char E[], char PE[])
unsigned char lowmask = 15;
unsigned char highmask = 15 << 4;
int i;

for (i=0;i<2;i++)
PE[i*2] = (E[i] & lowmask) + 33;
PE[i*2+1] = ((E[i] & highmask) >> 4) + 33;

PE[i*2] = '\0';
* the encoding program is
* e.g.
#include <stdio.h>
void encoder(char T[], char K[], char E[]);
void padding(char E[], char PE[]);

char Text[3], Key[3], EncodedText[3], OutText[5];

printf("Input the message: ");
printf("Input the key: ");

encoder(Text, Key, EncodedText);
padding(EncodedText, OutText);

printf("The secret message is: %s\n",OutText);
* each bitwise operator (except the bitwise complement operator) has a
corresponding assignment operator:
&=, |=, ^=, <<=, >>=

Enumeration Constants
* An enumeration, introduced by the keyword "enum", is a set of
integer constants represented by identifiers.
* The values in an "enum" start with 0, unless specified otherwise,
and are incremented by 1.
* E.g.
enum months {JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL,
creates a new type, "enum months", in which the identifiers are set
automatically to the integer 0 to 11.
* To number the months 1 to 12, use
enum months {JAN = 1, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL,
* E.g.
#include <stdio.h>

enum months {JAN = 1, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN,

enum months month;
char *monthName[] = {"", "January", "February", "March",
"April", "May", "June", "July",
"August", "September", "October",
"November", "December"};

for (month = JAN; month <= DEC; month++)
printf("%2d%11s\n", month, monthName[month]);

return 0;

1. Try to write the decoding program.
2. Try to decode "0&,&" by the key "00"

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